Our Role

As a Registered Migration Agents with the Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA), we can assess your eligibility for a particular type of visa, outline the legislative requirements, provide forms, prepare your full visa application, write and prepare submissions on your behalf and represent you until you obtain a visa decision.  We can also suggest other visa options you may be qualified to apply for.  We can assist you on a consultative basis or assist you from start to finish.  It is your decision that is important and we will follow your instructions, given that it is lawful and ethical.

You can appoint us for any or all of the visa preparation process:

Assessment of the client’s situation with reference to relevant sponsorship, nomination and visa application categories;

Preparation of advice, documents and forms in support of applications;

Advising the client in relation to any aspect of any visa application process;

Drafting letters to Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and if necessary, drafting submissions to the Regional Certifying Body and the Department of Immigration;

Reviewing documents provided by the client;

Preparation of ancillary documents;

Correspond with the relevant departments, including DIPB regarding further clarification

We Are A Registered Migration Agent You Can Trust

As part of our registration to practice Migration Law, our Registered Migration Agents are required to undergo continuous professional development to maintain our up to date knowledge of the changing Australian Immigration legislation.If you choose to obtain migration advice, it is important that your source of information is registered with OMARA. Our Migration Agents Registration Numbers (MARNs) are 0639396 and 0964227. It is illegal to provide migration advice unless registered to do so.

Our Duties

Our duties include the following:

  • Be honest with you about your chances of securing the visa you are applying for
  • Keep you informed about the progress of your application and any changes that may affect it
  • Be contactable during business hours and tell you if they change their contact details
  • Act within the law, your best interests, and your instructions, and protect your confidentiality
  • Declare any interest they have that may affect your application and not act for you where there is a conflict
  • Provide you with a written statement, before starting work, of the services to be provided, the fee and other costs and a similar statement at the end with services actually performed and fees charged
  • Charge a reasonable fee and, if you pay in advance, keep this in a separate bank account
  • Provide timely and correct advice and tell you in writing about the result of your application as soon as possible
  • A copy of our Consumer Guide is available here as well as a full copy of our Code of Conduct.