About Us

Why do we do what we do and why do it so passionately?

We are proud to say that our team understands what you are going through, as we were migrants too. Once upon a time, our families realised what a great life it would be to live in Australia. Since then, our family has made such conscious effort to make it happen. Then we decided that we wanted to extend the opportunity of living in Australia not only to our families but to as many people as we can help. There were so many migrants who wanted to be with their families. Because of this realisation, Migration Corporation of Australia was born…We realised that there are a lot of people that need help with immigration matters and how important it is for you to be clear with your visa options. We help you clarify, understand and work towards obtaining your migration goals. If you can move forward knowing what your choices are, then you are set with being able to make informed decisions and sound judgement easily and effortlessly. We are here to make that happen for you.

Margie Dizon

Director, Registered Migration Agent and Psychologist

Migration Agent and Registration Number – MARN 0639396

Margaret Mary Dizon, also known as Margie, is a skilled and experienced Registered Migration Agent (RMA) and Psychologist. She has over 15 years of proven expertise in designing migration plans and dealing with temporary and permanent residency applications for individuals, partners and family visas. Margie has also proven expertise in complex cases health waivers for families whose children have Autism or Down Syndrome; representing visa applicants disadvantaged by domestic or family violence; dealing with character and health issues and writing submissions to Immigration, as well as representation to the Administrative Appeals and Migration Review Tribunal. As a Registered Psychologist and Registered Migration Agent, Margie Dizon has good understanding of, and empathy for the social and cultural contexts that surrounds her clients. Margie Dizon has extensive experience in difficult and often complex partner issues that may affect visa entitlement and eligibility, including family or domestic violence.

Maria Cecilia dela Vega

Manager and Registered Migration Agent

Migration Agent and Registration Number – MARN 0964227

Maria Cecilia is a skilled Registered Migration Agent (RMA) and Case Manager. Her case management and accounting expertise bring professional, ethical standards into her role as one of the experienced RMAs for the company. She has completed a Masters in Professional Accounting degree with Charles Darwin University and completed the Certificate in Introductory Migration Law with Australia’s National University (ANU). She has over 10 years of proven expertise in designing migration plans and dealing with businesses for sponsorship and nominations and temporary and permanent residency applications for individuals, partners and family visas. Maria Cecilia looks after employer sponsored (temporary and permanent) as well as family stream visas, Distinguished Talent, and Entertainment visas.  Prior to migrating to Australia, Maria Cecilia worked in Accounting in the Philippines where she held a Certified Public Accountant registration and was among the top of the list of graduands for San Sebastian College-Recoletos.  With her accounting background, Cecilia is thorough, direct to the point, yet remaining sensitive to clients’ needs.